By doing X you achieve Y: (으)ㅁ으로써

V + (으)ㅁ으로써 shows that you can achieve a result by doing the aforementioned action. The outcome is usually positive in nature:

나무를 더 많이 심음으로써 환경을 보호할 수 있어요.
By planting more trees, we can protect the environment.

예산을 편성하고 잘 관리함으로써 돈을 저축했어요.
By making a budget and planning well, I saved money.

한국어 강습에 등록함으로써 한국어 실력을 향상시킬 수 있어요.
By enrolling in language classes, you can improve your Korean.

실수를 함으로써 배울 수 있어요.
You can learn by making mistakes.

외국에서 삶으로써 다른 문화에 대해 많은 것을 배울 수 있어요.
By living abroad, you can learn a lot about other cultures.

그렇게 함으로써 중요한 교훈을 얻었어요.
By doing so (by doing that), he learned an important lesson.

꾸준히 독서를 함으로써 어휘를 늘릴 수 있어요.
By reading steadily, you can increase your vocabulary.

법적 투표연령을 16세로 낮춤으로써 투표율이 증가하고 젊은 사람 사이에 정치적인 토론을 장려할 수 있어요.
By lowering the legal voting age to 16, we can increase voter turnout and encourage political debate among young people.

도심에 속도 제한을 낮춤으로써 교통사고의 수도 줄이고 많은 목숨을 구했어요.
By reducing the speed limit in the city centre, the number of traffic accidents has been reduced and many lives have been saved.

플라스틱을 재활용함으로써 플락스틱 낭비를 줄일 수 있어요.
By recycling plastic, you can reduce the amount of plastic waste.